Personally I don’t see the point in people getting married. You could argue that it’s for religious beliefs but the majority of people don’t. I think it just makes everything more complicated. I presume this is all based in the US too (I’m from Ireland so divorce was only legalised in the 90s). Marriage seems more flippant than it is here. I don’t think I could ever be bothered with it honestly.
I honestly wished my mam would’ve left my dad. But that’s another story.
I was happy before the relationship and happy during and after. I was just very you g with an accidental pregnancy and felt we wanted different things. My ex is a wonderful person. I’m not single now. That’s a bit of assumption on your part. That break up was 13 years ago but we owned a house together and did everything else married couple would do.
I am happier overall now as I’ve grown. I felt it was fairer to him to leave the relationship so he could find someone who loved him as much as he deserved. We both love our child and have his best interests at heart and are good friends. I think it’s worse feeling lonely in relationship than being single. People change and they should do what makes them happy.