I guess we'll have to agree to disagree.
You're talking about personal accountability but blaming women for leaving unhappy relationships. You're reading this exactly the way you want to interpret it.
Personally if my parents had got divorced I would've been happier.... so there's that. And there's no reason why people can't have decent relationships and be happy after divorce.
Plenty of people regardless of gender end up in accidental marriages with kids, you're presenting this as a clean cut situation where 'a broken home' is a bad one and that's not actually the case.
Also, you're making it seem like women should put their feelings completely aside and putting all that burden on them.
I'm not divorced but I co-parent very well with my ex who is my friend. Nobody is suffering. I left because I wasn't happy and the outcome is better than if we had stayed together. I don't see how being married or not would've even made a difference in this case.
If someone feels suicidal after a divorce they need professional help and unless the other partner is making the situation worse it's nobody's fault.
Life isn't fair sometimes and it's up to everyone to make themselves happy. And children will recognise later it's better to have happy separate parents than live in a tense atmosphere.